Tuesday, July 21, 2009


WOW - You won't believe the call that I got on my cell at 4:33pm EST today. Well maybe you can by the title of this message. Stephanie from GWCA called and asked me "if I would like a son". You can imagine what my answer was! CCAA has approved us as Xiaohu's family!

Day 38 must be our lucky day. Tomorrow we should receive a Fed-ex to my office with the official LSC document to sign and return. If we can get it signed and anything else that is required to go with it back to Stephanie by Friday, it will be sent back to CCAA then. At that point CCAA will work on our TA and after that GWCA will secure our Consulate appointment.

2-4 weeks is the average time to get your TA back (we've been told the waiting child track is usually on the shorter side, so fingers crossed) and then another 6 or so weeks after that to travel to pick up the newest Clark. With any luck we'll be in Beijing September.

The kids are excited and we are just thrilled that it's all coming together. Talk about a loooonnnngggg labor. I'm only used to labor lasting from 6 hours at the longest to 20 minutes at the shortest. ;)

More on the LSC tomorrow once I know what it actually is.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you guys! We can't wait to meet him and are so happy that your family is going to be complete!!!!
