Monday, August 24, 2009

It's finally here...

What you ask - the TA!!! Got the call this afternoon that the TA for Will had arrived in today's package to GWCA and we are going to travel in September vs. October. On Sept. 11 to be specific and will have William on Sept. 13. Can you believe it? (Not only did we get our TA call but about two minutes after that my mom called to let us know that our two newest nieces - Kendall and Brooke just made their way into the world kicking and screaming - so congrats to my baby brother and sister-in-law, Eric and Jenn).

We are more than thrilled. We really thought we weren't going to be able to be with our son until October at the earliest and more than likely November so this is fantastic.

I was pretty calm when the call came in as I was in Lens Crafter's with Griffin getting his new glasses (yes another new pair - I can't even tell you how many he's had since he was one - 20, 25 maybe) and didn't want to seem like some crazy lady on the phone. We had just come back from picking Len up at the airport from his trip to TX so he got to hear the GREAT NEWS first hand.

It's been a great day. Now we wait to hear that our appt. with the US Consulate was approved for Sept. 29 and then we are firm and can book our flight out of Newark.

Once I know the specifics of the trip, I'll throw that up here so everyone can get an ideas of the what and when.

Thanks to everyone for the good wishes for a speedy TA and quick travel - think it worked. Now happy thoughts for our Consulate appointment.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! He is adorable, and I'm sure he will be worth the wait. Have a great trip!
