Friday, August 14, 2009

Travel Scenario...

Since we don't have our TA as of yet (day 22 on the TA count down) September travel is not likely. We we would have to have our Consulate appt. no later than 9/29 which at this time would leave only about a three week window before we would need to travel.

You see, October is a difficult month to travel to China for a variety of reasons that impact adoptions. So we've been advised that a November departure seems to be in our future. We were really hoping to have him home before his 2nd birthday so he and his dad can celebrate their big day together (Will and Len's birthday-11/13).

Why not October:

Reason One: National Holiday - the first week of October is the National Holiday - just about everything is closed in celebration, including government offices. Strike One.

Reason Two: Guangzhou Trade Fair (yep a tradeshow stands in my way - of all things. The tradeshow industry has been good to me for the past 17 years but now...). The trade fair, with an influx of tens of thousands of additional people into the city, takes place the last two weeks of October so flights, hotels, ground transportation, etc. is next to impossible to secure during this time. Guangzhou is where the US Consulate is and we can't take Will home without a stop there for the formalities. Strike Two

However, there is the possibility (and I emphasise possibility) that if our TA comes in within the next four weeks or less, that we could do the Beijing portion of our trip the last two weeks of Oct. (ex. depart 10/17 for Beijing) while the trade fair is running in Guangzhou and then fly there for our Consulate appt. on 11/3 and back home on 11/5. Now this possibility would require that all the stars aligned, everyone sang in harmony, pig's flying, etc. to make it happen, but... Wait, did I just see a flying pig whiz by my window :)? Here's hoping so!!

Hopefully our next post will be the BIG TA arrival announcement.

So...happy thoughts and fingers crossed from everyone for the TA to get here S~O~O~N.

1 comment:

  1. My fingers and toes are crossed for your family to all be together reeeeal sooooooon!!!!!
